Are secondary schools and high schools the same thing?
In Canada, secondary education typically lasts from Grades 9 through 12, however, this might vary by province. In junior high or middle schools in metropolitan areas, grades seven and eight are frequently combined. In Quebec, high school lasts from Secondary 1 to Secondary 5. In Alberta, high school begins in Grade 10 and lasts through Grade 12. Following elementary school and before entering higher education, students acquire their education in a secondary school. It typically lasts from eleven to sixteen years old and prepares pupils for post-secondary alternatives and careers. The completion of elementary school is a requirement for enrollment in secondary school, while not all states make secondary education a requirement. Grades seven through twelve may be included in a secondary (or high) school, depending on the state. These schools typically start when a student is eleven years old, while some high schools run for twelve years. Again, depending on the state, a secondary school...